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Calliandra eriophylla Benth.

Fairy duster, pink fairy duster, mock mesquite, mesquitilla, fairyduster

KingdomPlantaePlants, but not fungi, lichens, or algae
SubkingdomTracheobiontaVascular plants—plants with a “circulatory system” for delivering water and nutrients
DivisionMagnoliophytaFlowering plants, also known as angiosperms
ClassMagnoliopsidaDicotyledons—plants with two initial seed leaves
SubclassRosidaeRoses, legumes, proteas, dogwoods, hydrangeas, mistletoes, euphorbias, grapes, many more
OrderFabalesLegumes (pea and bean families)
FamilyFabaceaeLegume family (peas and beans)
GenusCalliandraFrom the Greek kallos, “beautiful,” and andra, “stamen”
SpecieseriophyllaFrom the Greek erion, “wool,” and phyllon, “leaf,” referring to the matted white hairs that cover the plant when young

About plant names...

Fairy duster is a low woody shrub which produces beautiful hummingbird-friendly flowers, members of the extensive legume (bean) family. These plants are North American natives.

Identification: Fairy dusters are 1-4′ (30-121 cm) tall. The pink or white flowerheads are up to two inches across. The leaves are tiny and bipinnate. Seed pods are small, brown, and curled.

Calliandra eriophylla (fairy duster, pink fairy duster, mock mesquite, mesquitilla, fairyduster)

By Norman G. Flaigg, Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center

Online References:

Southeastern Arizona Wildflowers and the Plants of the Sonoran Desert

The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center

The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center

as Compiled by the Master Gardeners of the University of Arizona Pima County Cooperative Extension

The Arizona Sonora Desert Museum Sonoran Desert Digital Library


George and Audrey DeLange's Arizona wildflower site

Wikimedia Commons



Calliandra eriophylla Benth. var. chamaedrys Isely

Calliandra eriophylla Benth. var. eriophylla


Calliandra eriophylla description by Thomas H. Kent, last updated 25 May 2020.

© FloraFinder.org. All rights reserved.


Calliandra eriophylla (fairy duster, pink fairy duster, mock mesquite, mesquitilla, fairyduster)

4/17/2003 · Saguaro National Park, Pima, Ari­zona · By Constance B. Kent

Calliandra eriophylla (fairy duster, pink fairy duster, mock mesquite, mesquitilla, fairyduster)

(That's a blue agave at left.) · 5/25/2009 · Boyce Thompson Arboretum, Superior, Ari­zona

Range: Zones 7b-11:

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